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The staff and Board of Directors of Orchestras Mississauga extend a hearty congratulations to Mayor-elect Carolyn Parrish on the occasion of her electoral victory. Ms. Parrish has been a strong personal supporter of our orchestras for many years and has often been seen attending the concerts of both the Mississauga Symphony Orchestra as well as the Mississauga Symphony Youth Orchestra. She maintains the vision of her predecessors in recognizing the importance of a strong performing arts scene in Mississauga providing its residents with reasons to not only live and work here, but also to stay and play and be entertained here. 

We also wish to acknowledge and thank the Councillors who ran in this election as we noted that all of them mentioned in their campaign communications the importance of arts and culture in our community. We will remind them of their words when it comes time to make financial commitments to arts and culture in the City’s budgets. 

We look forward to a strong working relationship with Ms. Parrish and with all of City Council as we cooperate to navigate the challenges of the local arts and culture scene.